The Crazy Horse General Store wishes to welcome you, although you may see among the town folk some sour faces regarding the housing market crash and the financial crisis, there are the long time friendships between the residence that remain. The general bulk of the population in Kingman, Arizona is largely over fifty. It built it's importance on being a tourist section of the American Highway just south of the Grand Canyon and a short drive to gambling communities such as Laughlin, Nevada and Las Vegas. Then somewhat of a retirement community and then a real estate boon town, is now facing harsh difficulties from the strain.
What is wrong with the economy? Many are asking, why is it sick?
Why does the Occupy Movement look so pathetic in downtown Kingman, when so many of those homes in the community is underwater on their mortgage? Because, it just got started. Because this particular state in the union is one of the most loyal to the two party system.
Better late than never, I suppose, to be disgusted. If they purchased excess income properties in the area from out of state, many of those properties may be headed for foreclosure soon or have already been foreclosed on. The Sheriff sales have gone on for months outside the County offices as they have for over a year with over average sales happening everyday.
Social Security and pensions are a large part of the community's income, so while the local drug stores used to do well, they have been washed away by the bulky tide of corporate owned and franchised drug store outlets like Walgreens and Walmart. Where there used to be promise of growth and prosperity, people have picked up suddenly and left their prospects. Seems the more things grow the more things shrink.
There may be prospectors driving up and down the drag of Stockton Hill Road from Kingman to the base of the Grand Canyon. They maybe scouting for property that is just hanging by a thread and I find that sad, to see someone who worked all their life to come to rest in this community, only to lose it all in a dash to serve a bankable purpose. We should have stayed in our homes and fought for justice as we stood at the scene of the crime watching the perpetrator make off with our dignities.
For over two years the general argument has been whose fault is it and as I have observed and tried to internally rationalize for one group or the other, I have to side with the people, even if they appeared to be glutenous.
Just like the police officers sparsely surrounding the protesters of the Occupy Movement, the people who were already facing immense economic deterioration, they turned to the vices that were presented to them by the banks to solve economic woes, real estate investments and construction. They view economic growth the way everyone else did, more businesses lining main street and accepting funds from large corporate bodies to produce strip malls of multi-nationally owned corporate food shops.
The Crazy Horse General Store still has that old fashioned charm and beauty of old time Kingman, but the changes roll on down the road.
Yes, the debt scandal that is slowly but surely eradicating this community and it's groove in the system is not quite known as a good or bad thing?
Northern Arizona gets hit with high winds and electrical storms from mid, late August through most of September as the temperatures drop and fall kicks in.
Come Join Us! Saturdays. We're open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., but the show and share runs early, around 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. into the early afternoon. Perishables stray fresher in the cooler morning hours.
Stop, get out of the sun and meet other growers in the area. Trade ideas and knowledge about all sorts of gardening issues for the hot and dry climate.
Kingman's Crazy Horse Country Store
is located
8746 Stockton Hill Road
(14 mile mark)
Kingman, Arizona, 86409
Open Monday - Saturday 8 am to 8 pm
Sunday 9 am to 6 pm
Main Provisions
General Food and Toiletries
Live Vegetable Garden / Garden Shop (seeds)
Pizza & Deli
Dog Food / Horse Treats
Mail Box Rentals
North Stockton Hill News
On the Shadow of the Cerbats
Crazy Horse Country Store
"The Only Stop between Kingman, Dolan Springs and Meadview"
Kingman's Crazy Horse Country Store has more than general provisions, like ketchup and mustard, hot dogs, bacon and cheese. The Crazy Horse Country Store also has a full garden of vegetables and features them on Saturdays outside at the tables and invites community residents to bring in their favorite morsels from their own garden to display.
Show OFF your greens, or tomatoes, flowers. Whatever your proud of and want to share how you reached success.